Family Strength


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Medium: Ink on Paper
Size: 12″ x 12″

In the brown ink sketch, the profound strength of a woman as the backbone of her family is beautifully portrayed. The central focus is a square-faced woman, each feature carrying symbolic weight. Her mouth is depicted as a boat, symbolizing her ability to navigate and find solutions to any challenge that arises. Adorning her forehead is a bindi, represented by the sun, signifying her radiant presence and influence. Surrounding her face is a gracefully curved tree, its roots symbolizing the woman’s role as the foundation of her family. Above her, birds soar freely, reflecting her nurturing and supportive nature, while scattered leaves evoke the growth and vitality she brings to her family’s life. Through these intricately crafted elements, the sketch eloquently illustrates the indispensable strength and resilience of women in nurturing and sustaining their families.

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