
Jehangir Art Gallery Exhibition 2022

 In December 2022, an exquisite exhibition titled “Elan Art” took place at the renowned Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai. The event showcased a diverse collection of paintings and sculptures, bringing together a rich array of artistic expressions. Running from December 20th to 26th, the exhibition provided a platform for both established and emerging artists to display their creativity. Jehangir Art Gallery, with its prestigious reputation, served as a fitting venue to celebrate the beauty and diversity of visual arts during this captivating showcase. The event not only contributed to the vibrant cultural scene of Mumbai but also offered art enthusiasts a unique and inspiring experience.
Our Story

Artist Javed Mulla

Javed says, “I was interested in painting right from my school days. I was born in a village and grew up there. Decided to live with the love of painting for the rest of my life and studied it. Studied the masters Indian and foreigners. I always look at the thematic arrangement of various forms of nature and the things of ordinary life as well as the things happening in and around nature. One of the many beautiful things created by nature is a tree. I always see trees wherever I go. It is a good example of holding yourself grounded to earth. And I paint this thought in many of my works”
Javed the man overwhelmed by the nature and its splendor has a sense of repay to Mother Nature. His works clearly show the love for nature and especially to the great tree. Moon also out speaks his fascination for it. He makes it clear that every tree has its own beautiful identity and that many lives revolve around it. The exaggerated forms of trees and the constituents create a spirited view. We have always seen the lullabies composed with a hide and seek of moon and tree. Javed’s paintings sing a melodic lullabies for a child inside you. The moon and the tree recreate a different story not only with human but with the fauna who are nevertheless admirers of the tree and the moonlight. We see and we give an eye to the moon and moon resides in our eyes and heart and here his paintings are taken away by this moon and man game of love.
Earth is not alone it dwells in the space. It is everywhere around us and the purposeful linear strokes personify the space and exemplify imaginary form out of his mind unfolding the mysterious space in his own approach. Be it still life or the living beings he has successfully blown life into them through his configuration and distinctive colour palette. His works are furnished with simple topics like breakfast table, vase, peaceful soul, prayer, goats, couple, horses, family, and facets of women, monuments, and shepherd all out of his inspiration. A collection has a very soft and connecting touch. His works show his serenity in residing in nature over being an 3D Artist (Game Designer) in a job at studio. Javed’s works are breather for you from your daily triffles as they are for him too. Cherish them to the fullest as he does.

-Vidyashree Dakhe
Art Curator & owner Art Affinity 6
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