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Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12″ x 12″

The painting depicts the face of a shepherd, likely of the Dhangar community, characterized by a dark complexion, long beard, and mustache. His eyes are gently closed, perhaps in a moment of contemplation or tranquility. Adorning his forehead is a traditional yellow mark, signifying cultural significance. A vibrant red turban adds a pop of color to his attire, symbolizing his identity and heritage. In the background, a picturesque scene unfolds, with pink-hued trees creating a stunning backdrop. Bronze-hued goats, intricately curved, are nestled among the foliage, each distinct yet harmoniously interconnected. The artist’s attention to detail and skillful use of color and form bring the pastoral landscape to life, evoking a sense of serenity and connection to nature. Through this portrayal, the painting celebrates the timeless bond between the shepherd, his flock, and the natural world.

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